The day included a craft activity in the auditorium with the entire Elementary together in the spirit of unity and friendship that is always fostered between students in various grades at Bnos Yisroel. Throughout the day math activities were completed by students dressed up in their special “one hundred days smarter” head bands, as students were challenged to use higher level thinking and work in groups to accomplish tasks. It was a fun break from the regular classroom routine. Each activity earned team points. Finally the students participated in the estimation jars activity. Students looked carefully to estimate how many items were in each jar and then they the closest estimate received the jar with the prize and treat. When they day was over students were reinvigorated to continue their learning for the coming weeks!
100th Day of School
“Which day of school are we up to?” This is a common question asked by our Elementary students as the 100th day of school approaches. The daily count up climaxes on the 100th day with a day of fun math exploration. School wide teams were formed and the day developed with lots of good spirit and math learning along the way.