Recently, we explored the topic of “avira d Eretz Yisroel machkim”. Mrs. Turk taught that Torah wisdom is intensified in Eretz Yisroel. To illustrate this point the Elementary played a custom designed A Yiddishe Kop game. Pictures were presented of scenes from everyday life in Eretz Yisroel. Students were challenged to solve riddles based on the pictures. Some of the pictures included:
A Bus with a sign that says “mipnei seiva takum”
Signs on the walls of the streets announcing mechiras chametz, Simchas Bais Hashoeva or the time for Shabbos candle lighting
Corona Vaccination sign with a pasuk “vnishmartem meod lnafshosechem”
A related concept of tefilla kneged hamikdash was discussed and depicted . At the assembly famous shuls such as the Churva and Belz shul were visited. A take home lesson was the idea that from Baltimore we turn in the direction of mizrach-East to direct our tefillos toward the makom hamikdash. That week’s assembly included a paint party with Morah Paisley where each student designed a mizrach sign for her home. All of these activities are bringing the students to a new level of connection to Eretz Yisroel during this shemita year.