What’s New at Bnos Yisroel?


Purim Comes Alive in Preschool

Purim Comes Alive in Preschool

Bnos Yisroel Preschool got into the Purim Spirit. Students enjoyed age appropriate activities such as a special trip to Bas Melech Gym, Megilla Leining, A carnival and a Mommy and Me program. The fun comes alive in these...

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BE A Mentch is the preschool middos program. This year in honor of Shmitta the preschool is “visiting” different places in Eretz Yisroel and working on middos along the way. Along with our beloved puppets, Shulamis and Shoshana, this program was kicked off with...

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Our kindergarten classes will have a month-long unit on שמיטה. Students will have flip books that depict שמיטה lessons in conjunction with a שמיטה storybook that the teachers read to them. This enables the students to retell in their own words what they have learned...

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Elementary School

100th Day of School

100th Day of School

“Which day of school are we up to?” This is a common question asked by our Elementary students as the 100th day of school approaches. The daily count up climaxes on the 100th day with a day of fun math exploration. School wide teams were formed and the day developed...

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OOur Elementary Staff is bringing home the lessons of שמיטה and the related mitzvos unique to Eretz Yisroel in many different ways. Recently the classes joined together for a Mitzva Fair. Students rotated among different centers. Centers included salads for practicing...

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Authors on Zoom

Authors on Zoom

Keeping learning relevant and engaging is so important. We were excited that Faygie Holt, a frum author of of several books, including the Layla Diaries series agreed to share her experiences as a writer with our students in grades 3, 4 and 5. We are sure the girls...

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Siddur Play

Siddur Play

Bnos Yisroel incorporates an annual performance for each grade into the curriculum. In First grade we celebrate the Siddur Play. It is a culmination of the review of letters and nekudos. This milestone marks the time that students can begin to read tefillos from...

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Eretz Yisrael Theme

Eretz Yisrael Theme

Our year long program titled, לבי במזרח is in full swing. The students are enjoying the experiential monthly assemblies with mock tours to cities in ארץ ישראל utilizing slide shows, sound effects and more. Some places they visited recently were Yeshivas Mir, Bnei...

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Middle School

Hakaras Hatov

Hakaras Hatov

Are happy people grateful or are grateful people happy? Mrs. Romanoff challenged our Middle School students to find out. They have embarked on a journey of hakaras hatov. They will learn sources from our chachamim that detail how a bas melech should think about...

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8th Grade Science Fair

8th Grade Science Fair

Bnos Yisroel strives to make learning engaging in all subject areas. Science Fair is an annual event that serves as a culmination of the process of learning the scientific method. Students selected topics in chemistry, physics, etc.and then they researched,...

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8th Grade Play: Operation R.E.S.C.U.E.

8th Grade Play: Operation R.E.S.C.U.E.

Although Bnos Yisroel is over 20 years old, we are committed to our mission of continuing to innovate new programming to enhance the social, emotional and academic growth of the students. This year we held our 2nd annual 8th grade play! Our 8th graders worked hard to...

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M.U.G.S. Program

M.U.G.S. Program

This year, our Middle School students have embarked on a new curricular addition to their Social Studies classes, called M.U.G.S. This acronym stands for Mastery and Understanding of General Studies. This program ensures, in a fun way, that our girls have awareness...

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High School



High School Production is the highlight of each school year. An interview with Mrs. Neuberger who, together with Miss Goldberg, oversees the production revealed the many levels at which our students are involved in bringing the production to the audience. This year’s...

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Machsom Monday is coming to Bnos Yisroel High School. The program was kicked off with a pin-decorating activity and special song presented by the Mishmeres heads that they had recorded at a recording studio. The pins will be hung in each classroom so the students can...

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Bnos Yisroel is constantly striving to encourage our girls to think carefully about their technology usage. Rachelli Feldman, Devorah Mandelcorn, Sara Steen and Aviva Thav are the current year iStrive heads. They work with Mrs. Malka Rena Heinemann, their advisor to...

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