OOur Elementary Staff is bringing home the lessons of שמיטה and the related mitzvos unique to Eretz Yisroel in many different ways. Recently the classes joined together for a Mitzva Fair. Students rotated among different centers. Centers included salads for practicing taking maaser and basket designing for bringing Truma.

The first grade is continuing to work on their flip books that depict שמיטה lessons in conjunction with a שמיטה storybook that the teachers read to them. The girls love hearing about Sheva on a farm. The reading is followed by games, activities and scrapbooking that are engaging to each grade level in grades 2-4.
5th grade is involved in a more advanced program. They are privileged to join an international Eretz Chemda program that is enjoyed by Middle School girls as well. This program brings live coverage from Israeli instructors teaching lessons about ארץ ישראל straight into our classrooms!