Innovation, Inspiration, & an Excellent Education
Bnos Yisroel educates each student in a nurturing Torah environment, while instilling in her a love of Judaism, self-esteem and a lasting commitment to family, community and Klal Yisroel, as she charts her unique path in Avodas Hashem.
Twenty Five Years of Opportunity
Bnos Yisroel recognizes, appreciates, and develops each student’s unique potential promoting academic success and the development of her positive self-image.
General Support & Sponsorships
Enhance services, support special projects, or create new programs to benefit the students, staff, volunteers, and community. Attribution is listed on all named opportunities and program materials.
For Parents
PTA, Calendars, Tuition, Hot Lunch, Weather Line
For Teachers
Login Access to Special Teacher Resources
For Alumnae
Join other Alumnae in giving back to Bnos