Innovation, Inspiration, & an Excellent Education

Bnos Yisroel educates each student in a nurturing Torah environment, while instilling in her a love of Judaism, self-esteem and a lasting commitment to family, community and Klal Yisroel, as she charts her unique path in Avodas Hashem.

Twenty Five Years of Opportunity

Thank you for making Bnos Yisroel such an amazing, creative, innovative, patient, and warm hearted place to learn, through pandemics and tweenagers. I sincerely bentch you that HKB”H should continue to give you the kochos to endure and to persist in reaching every one of your talmidos and may you share incredible nachas from every single one, knowing your direct impact.”

- S. Waitzman, High School parent

“I have taught in many Jewish schools all over the United States. Right from the beginning, it was evident that the administration at Bnos Yisroel respects and supports its teachers…Mrs. Itzkowitz and Mrs. Heyman are very open to new ideas and show a great degree of flexibility so that we teachers can work with them to expand the program…

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“To me, leaving home in the morning and dropping her off at school has always been equal to - leaving home…… and dropping her off at her other home. A home where I knew she was literally enveloped in love, care, safety, concern for her wellbeing…. knowing that when she went off to school, she was being watched by people who would show the same amount of care that I would…

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All of you are so devoted and dedicated to raising happy children who are ovdei Hashem and really believe in themselves which is a rarity.

- An Elementary School Parent

…From my Maalot students, I am constantly impressed by my Bnos students who have such good middos and they believe in themselves and Hashem.

-A Maalot Teacher

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Bnos Yisroel recognizes, appreciates, and develops each student’s unique potential promoting academic success and the development of her positive self-image.

General Support & Sponsorships

Enhance services, support special projects, or create new programs to benefit the students, staff, volunteers, and community. Attribution is listed on all named opportunities and program materials.

For Parents

PTA, Calendars, Tuition, Hot Lunch, Weather Line

For Teachers

Login Access to Special Teacher Resources

For Alumnae

Join other Alumnae in giving back to Bnos