Thank you for making Bnos Yisroel such an amazing, creative, innovative, patient, and warmhearted place to learn, through pandemics and tweenagers. I sincerely bentch you that HKB”H should continue to give you the kochos to endure and to persist in reaching every one of your talmidos and may you share incredible nachas from every single one, knowing your direct impact.

- High School parent

So many of my smiles begin with Bnos Yisroel

- A 5th grader

I wanted to take a minute to tell you that I was impressed with the career day assignment and fair. It had clear guidelines, a clear goal that was fun for the students to produce and a lot of life lessons to be learned. I found that my daughter was guided through each step by her teacher so she knew what was good and what she still needed to work on. The end product- The Career Day Fair- was impressive to walk into and each girl’s beautifully designed board and career related attire had a professional ambience that the girls could take pride in. Thank you!

- MS Parent

I love Bnos Yisroel! I want to give it a hug!

- A Preschool Student

…From my Maalot students, I am constantly impressed by my Bnos students who have such good middos and they believe in themselves and Hashem.

-A Maalot Teacher

All of you are so devoted and dedicated to raising happy children who are ovdei Hashem and really believe in themselves which is a rarity.

- An Elementary School Parent